Network Design And Development Service Solution
From requirements analysis to system design and execution, Orange Soft BD provides a simpler, smarter, and more cost-effective full network solution. Security implementation, infrastructure development, and LAN to WAN integration are all included in the services.Orange Soft BD can use a variety of flexible, scalable, and tried-and-true solutions to meet customer goals and budgets at agreed-upon service levels. This allows you to keep costs, risks, and complexity under control. A team of highly qualified engineers and operational professionals analyzes user needs and designs the best possible solution for the clients.Orange Soft BD can provide a platform to help companies optimize their ICT strategy and take advantage of new technology.If the network is for a single site, we can create a LAN (Local Area Network), or a WAN (Wide Area Network) if the clients want to connect from various places. Wire-based or wireless LAN can be set up. We can also combine a WIFI system and offer IP phone, IP surveillance, video conference, and video surveillance services with complete mobility. We can renovate and develop a company’s current network and infrastructure.
LAN Services
A computer network that covers a small local area, such as a home, office, or small building group, is known as a Local Area Network (LAN). Orange Soft BD offers a variety of LAN services to enhance the capabilities of desktop computers. We set up a secure and dependable network environment for your office.Provisioning, deployment, maintenance, and administration of LAN infrastructure devices are among our LAN services. Implementation involves equipment configuration, pre-implementation tests, installation, and commissioning, whereas providing encompasses the selection, requirement, and delivery of equipment to the customer’s facilities.Our maintenance service guarantees that installed equipment is supported and that any faults are resolved. Orange Soft BD engineers leverage technology, sophisticated world-class tools, and disciplined design processes to provide complete and multi-vendor design solutions for new networks and overlay designs.
Among the services we provide are:
1. Services of Security
2. Web-based services, such as web, DNS, and email servers
3. File and authentication servers are among the Application Services.
4. Information exchange using an integrated intranet server
Switching , Routing And Network Security
Our LAN solutions combine the experience of Orange Soft BD and our technology partners. Hardware components can be deployed via public telephone networks, digital leased lines, or IP data networks, even in remote areas, in addition to your company’s premises. Network security solutions are meant to provide you eyes and ears over your company’s assets, alerting you to IT infrastructure failures, security breaches, and potentially dangerous changes in environmental factors early and instantly.
WAN Services
A Wide Area Network (WAN) is a computer network that spans a vast geographic area. It is commonly made up of two or more Local Area Networks (LANs). The telephone system, DSL, leased lines, and other methods are frequently used to connect WAN-connected PCs. A WAN solution allows several users and PCs to use a single data/internet network connection at the same time, allowing for more cost-effective and optimized infrastructure. Access can be shared since information is accessed more quickly. Our WAN solution offers a variety of data and Internet access interfaces, allowing connectivity to be adapted to a company’s specific needs. Customers benefit from a global presence with our WAN solutions.
Services for Networks
We recognize the importance of this and offer a variety of services to help you get the most out of your current or future network setup, including:
- Analyze the Network
- Troubleshooting Bottlenecks
- Structured Data Cabling Installation
- Fibre Network Installation
- Switches, routers, and firewalls are installed.
- Installations of branch offices and wide-area networking
- Setups for Mobile Users
Support for Office Information Technology
Transfer your IT services to Atlantic for a consistent monthly rate and dependable support.
* Expert in Web mail and Office program support
* Expert in computer hardware and networking
* Expert in web and cPanel server maintenance
* Expert in graphic and gerber design support
* Expert in database and management system support